Our Heart & Soul

The Vision

Restoring lives, one heart at a time.

The Mission


This mission exists to engage, empower and equip at-risk kids that don’t have stable support structures so that they are not only given what they actually need to launch well but to realize their full potential. Something very few people do throughout their lifetime.

A centralized hub will be available (trk) where all at-risk kids can go to get everything (yes, we mean everything) they need to be restored, supported, and reach their full potential. Starting first with the most vulnerable population, those that age out of foster care without being adopted. They have no safety nets to catch them when they fall and fall they do. :*(

The Ethos

Accountable to and built on these 5 pillars.

  • Love expressed is recognizable.

    Completing tasks will engage the hands.

    Working with skill may engage the mind.

    Remarkable impact comes only from the heart.

    Engaging hearts in meaningful ways is our true north.

  • Remarkable DNA works to foster transformation and meaningful impact at every opportunity, big and small knowing nothing is impossible when the limitations are removed.

  • There’s no resting on laurels around here. And no room for excuses. Every day provides a new opportunity to deliver our very best!

    Good’s okay.

    Better is fine.

    Best = BULLSEYE!

    If something‘s worth doing at all, we’ll give it our all.

  • Winning is worthy of celebration! As are the hard learnings.

    Success in the environment is measured by progress, the sound of laughter, and the passion that exudes authentically from within.

    We expect to win.

    We want to win.

    We plan to win.

  • Each at-risk child failed by their caregivers and or the system, often becomes a lifelong dependent on taxpayer dollars.

    (Through homelessness, addiction, incarcerated, trafficked, reproducing children without the ability to raise them up, and so on.)

    Each failure to launch costs the economy $30,000-50,000 per/per. Once the failure occurs, the opportunity for rehabilitation becomes increasingly difficult. This is a miss of epic proportions, starting primarily with the children who are compromised through no fault of their own.

    Righting this wrong is our priority.