Bringing together the missing pieces for a successful launch.

the 9 missing Pieces:

  1. One Centralized Digital Hub (trk aka the remarkable kingdom) will be developed exclusively for the 80,000 at-risk kids with full access to every resource they need and want that engages, empowers, and equips them in ways they enjoy! (If you think teenagers want to listen to old people yapping, then you don’t understand them at all. You’ve already lost them.)

  2. Matchmaker: trk in the most basic form will be a simplified match of provisional sourcing to meet individual wants & needs. Minimizing bureaucracy and massive inefficiencies that prevent the resources available from reaching those who need it most.

  3. An enormous wrap-around community localized in every region making it simple to connect vetted support organizations, internships, housing opportunities, transportation, personalized prayer partners, and more.

  4. A Fully Integrated Model of Care:

    Standardized soup-to-nuts restoration isn’t happening now with great consequence. When trauma restoration isn’t standardized, these young ones foundation remains unstable at best. Proverbs 4:23 reveals the most essential priority for personal fulfillment as achievement has never been an effective antidote to stabilize anyone. Healing hearts is the ABOVE ALL ELSE essential starting point as these young ones have no stable support structure that they can fall back on when the stuff hits the fan. Hit the fan, it does! Not having stable safety nets is a significant reason their bottom drops below them. trk will work diligently to restore all of these gaps of great consequence.

  5. Fasttrk Results: trk will effectively engage, equip, and empower these young adults in personalized and fun ways so as they begin emotional healing, they also find their super highway achievement zones. This is the secret sauce of trk! A proof-positive example occurred in the movie, The Blind Side. It took Leigh Anne all of one minute to help Michael Oher apply his natural abilities to create successful outcomes. The coach wasn’t able to pull Michael’s potential out of him. The result of a skills gap with consequences. Most problems can be resolved when identity and leadership-based skills are applied. Studies reveal only 10% of people are naturally inclined to leadership ability so without the necessary development readily available, significant skills gaps remain.

  6. Turning dreams into reality. The acceleration opportunities continue as these young adults learn to apply their natural gifts and interests to meet unmet needs in the world becoming resourceful contributors to society. BID will be the Business Incubator Development advancement program to support sustainable success.

  7. The dignity of work is foundational as the young adults will earn rewards through interactive exercises that are tied to their character and professional development. The rewards they earn can be used to source what they desire through the exclusive partnerships included inside trk. *This will provide a lucrative opportunity for the selected partners.

  8. Healthy environments with diverse growth paths. The young adults will be in the trk community together creating an environment that nourishes excellence. They will have abundant opportunities to influence demonstrating good, better, and best models that showcase exactly how the most desirable outcomes are achieved.

  9. Life-long safety nets will remain available so their bottom doesn’t ever have to drop as they continue well into adulthood.

    **Without safety nets available the many times I needed them, my life would have ended up much more unstable than it has. Perhaps you can relate. This missing piece is not optional for a successful long-term launch for kids who don’t have stability available to fall back on. The consequences are truly catastrophic for them and none of this is their fault. We can do better and we must!

Would you like to become part of the solution?

Pre-order a copy of Good to Better to BEST featuring the 9 levels of intelligence now and be sure to connect through a session for more personalized transformation right now. Please share this cause with others.


Can you imagine where you would be now if you were born into a family that wasn’t able to properly care for you? If you were:

You’d want someone to be making a big ruckus on your behalf!

  • Imagine being removed from your home & family.

  • Strangers now have control over what happens next.

  • Half the time, they attempt to find a family aka more strangers willing to take on the burden of care.

  • The foster and bio stories can be nightmares of epic proportions. I will spare you the agony but far too often, they only add more trauma to a child that doesn’t have the cognitive development to successfully move through any of the trauma that these experiences provide.

  • When they can’t find a family, very well-meaning but often overburdened, underdeveloped (in trauma care), and underpaid workers, are tasked with making these young adults self-sufficient.

  • Their efforts are transactional: attend work or school and you can stay here in the program.

  • Everyone ends up frustrated beyond belief.

  • Turnover = high.

  • Eventually, these young adults get launched out into the world without ever getting what they need to stabilize. Young. Angry (depressed, frustrated, furious, devastated, hopeless, apathetic, etc.). Vulnerable beyond belief.

  • It’s only a matter of time before their bottom fully drops because they don’t have support structures to securely fall back on or the tools they need to navigate successfully.


  • The government never was designed to become the caretaker for children. James 1:27 encourages faith-based communities to get involved.

  • Each failure to launch successfully costs the economy: $30,000-50,000 per child/per year.

  • MANY incredible organizations try to fill in gaps where they can but rarely provide comprehensive solutions, and what’s needed to rehabilitate with the degree of trauma endured. Most are teaching basic life skills to nurture becoming self-sufficient.

  • When you’re a kid that has been failed by so much your interest in status quo task functions or adults with an agenda is minimal. The attempts to influence are the equivalent of putting a round peg in a square hole. They don’t fit right.

  • When the nervous system’s normal is trauma-based for better or worse, the stability ship has sailed. The nervous system doesn’t respond well to stability. It’s far too unfamiliar and dull quite frankly to be tolerated for long.

    These kids don’t have the safety nets to catch them but with your help, they can!

  • Trauma can be used for good when balanced and channeled properly but ONLY with comprehensive care and resources.

Quadrants to Potential

  • Without getting the comprehensive development they need and without stable safety nets over their lifetime, the devastation of epic proportions continues to be their reality. Making their only option to become part of the bottom right quadrant. This is what is happening WAY more often than not.

  • 65% of people are happy with the flat line quadrant, aka stability. These kids aren’t in that group. They must be given ample opportunity to experience the top 2 quadrants so they aren’t forced into lost hope and or control.

  • Their downward spiral needs to STOP and with your help, it can. To get involved now you can pre-order a copy of Good to Better to BEST, featuring the 9 levels of intelligence with personalized sessions available to get the results you want now. Pre-Order Your Copy Now.

*trk, the central hub’s funding will come primarily through the exclusive partners who become suppliers to the kid’s needs and wants through the tokens the kids earn as rewards. This opportunity will provide much financial enrichment to the partners that get selected. If you want to be considered as an exclusive food, technology, or basic essentials supplier to the 80,000 kids served, feel free to reach out for consideration.

A society is only as strong as its weakest members.

BUT who doesn’t love an underdog story?

Together our weak will become STRONG as we collectively give them their wings to soar.

As trk is being developed, these young adults will have opportunities to engage through interactive classrooms and can become part of developing all that trk will become.