Better outcomes NOW

Be, do, and connect better in under 5 minutes! 

Beautiful is the life that masters the art of fulfillment, and achievement.

Personalized 5 Minutes to Freedom sessions are available for a limited time with book pre-orders to rapidly enhance the quality of your life, relationships, and or corporate performance. They are part of an awareness building mission to re-imagine child welfare for our most vulnerable, demonstrating proof-positive examples of what’s currently missing.


The movie, The Blind Side, models the way to rapid advancement.

  • Based on the true story of Michael Oher, a teenager living on the streets until the Tuohy family took him in.

  • Michael was big boy, and played football.

  • Burt was the coach, and he wasn’t exactly producing champions.

  • Leigh Anne (Tuohy) intervened! She enabled Michael to apply his natural abilities to the game.

    In less than one minute, a star was born.

  • Michael, once homeless, was now on his way to the NFL. Leigh Anne touted, “You should really get to know your players, Burt!”

  • In THAT moment Leigh Anne demonstrated the single greatest opportunity to reach higher advancement levels in life, relationships, and professionally. Through an intimate understanding of the individual attributes that are of significance. Into-me-see, unlocks the treasure inside yearning to be released. When tapped into, these become your superhighway zones to greater achievement, and fulfillment. They are found through greater depths than going through the motions, aka staying busy with the doings of life, will provide.

  • Rapid elevation is a natural byproduct of identity and leadership-based development.

  • There are abundant fasttrk paths available personally, professionally, and relationally.

  • Without application your deepest yearnings remain buried. Some call the graveyard the richest place on earth from the abundant treasures never brought to life.

  • These all too common cautionary tales can easily be avoided.

  • Several books exploring these topics will be released later in 2025 featuring Good, Better, BEST models found through the 9 levels of intelligence. For now speaking engagements are available. To inquire, connect with Heather.

  • Pre-order a copy now, and get a free personalized 5 Minutes to Freedom session tailored to your needs. The 45 most common session topics can be explored below. Order now to take advantage of this special offer.

  • Most importantly, pre-orders help bring the missing pieces to Reimagine Child Welfare, for our most vulnerable.


  • More than 80,000 13-26-year-old young adults age out of foster care without being adopted, at any given time.

  • These young ones aren’t being given what they need for a successful launch, often with devastating consequences personally, and to society at large.

  • Because they don’t have stable safety nets to fall back on when the bottom drops below them, their devastation continues.

  • These kids often end up on the streets, addicted, reproducing without the ability to raise up their young, trafficked, and or incarcerated. More severe trauma for them with economic implications that extend into billions of lost dollars annually.

  • What if this was your story? Imagine being born into a family so unstable that you ended up being put inside a system also ill equipped to create better outcomes for you. So much so that you ended up falling through societies cracks, through no fault of your own. Try to walk a mile inside these young ones shoes knowing that this could have just as easily been YOU. They too had no choice in selecting the family they were born into.

  • We can, and must do better!

  • With increased awareness, the momentum needed to reimagine child welfare will occur.

  • These kiddos need so much more than what they are being given now.

  • You can become a safety net builder by pre-ordering a copy of Good to Better to BEST featuring the 9 levels of intelligence.

5 categories ~ 45 sessions

  • Every person born will have 3 things in common:

    Birth date

    A dash between

    Eventual date of death

    What differentiates people most is how they use their dash. The dash represents your life experiences between birth-death. No matter what happens along the way there are always abundant opportunities to make your moments count.

    You are the CEO of your destiny. You likely have 2 primary kingdoms you operate within. You can design your personal and professional life how you wish.

    If you want to know effective ways you can enhance the quality of your outcomes and experiences explore the sessions. Make the most of the moments that matter most. I look forward to seeing you inside.

  • When your heart is activated you have entered into your most sacred of territories. The depths of your heart are deep waters. This is where you have the opportunity to tap into the central source of ALL that matters to you. These areas are the empowerment seats tied to your wellbeing.

    This mastery is the most meaningful pursuit because, on the other side of it, you gain not only your wellbeing but are likely to find your purpose and enhance the quality of your relationships as well.

    At a time when emotional health is on a rapid decline, you will learn how to turn your lights on in ways that will delight you and others. There are no limits to the depths this discovery can go so climb on board and buckle up because you are about to lift off.

  • Everyone wants unfailing love. But the truth is the ways to create a vibrant, lasting love are rarely taught. This tends to complicate matters!

    There are rapid accelerators and there are rapid destroyers inside of a relationship. Knowing what they are and what to do about them will significantly enhance the quality of your outcomes and experiences.

    Getting intimate relationships right will improve the quality of your life more than any other factor. The longest study of wellbeing ever conducted revealed the importance of healthy relationships when it comes to life quality. There is an art to it. Join me for the free graced with truth sessions to learn unbelievably effective ways to establish unfailing love.

  • Some treat the mind-body connection as one. Others compartmentalize their functions but what I’ve found to be true is that when the mind is stressed, the body manifests it. The opposite of ease is DISease.

    When disease is present, ease is lacking. Ease states are more enjoyable than diseased states. This is with good reason. We weren’t designed to live in diseased states. Ease states are attainable but it will take some unraveling of the disruptive weeds first.

    How does one go beyond the basics of diet and exercise to get restorative healing?

    It will require going beyond self-medicating pain through any of the +100 addictions that plague society.

    It will require an open mind to go beyond the basics of diet and exercise as being the gold standard in maintaining physical health.

    It will mean that you want to know about more than the symptomatic treatments that Western medicine delivers.

    If you want more health than what you know, join me for a free graced with truth session. I will show you how to go deeper into restorative healing in ways that will enhance every aspect of your life and health.

  • There are people in leadership that get results and there are managers that manage tasks. One is not like the other.

    If you want to improve your team’s performance, enhance engagement levels, or invest in your employee’s wellness contact me directly. We can explore conducting a free corporate training session upon your request. Submit an inquiry through the contact form at the bottom of the page.

look what happens when you GET TO THE HEART OF WHAT MATTERS MOST!


Imagine starting your career and landing your dream job. Only to then have life-altering experiences force you to rethink nearly everything!

While working in big pharma, selling antidepressants, Heather believed she was offering the gold standard of care for emotional stabilization. Having originally wanted to become a psychiatrist, this felt like the next best thing. Medical school certainly wasn’t on her radar.

While selling antidepressants, incurable conditions unexpectedly vanished from her body. Starting with endometriosis, and depression that she often self medicated in very unhealthy ways. That healing experience forever changed the course of her life, creating an openness to living without limits. That standard became her new normal.

She has curated a collection of the most effective methods that lead to extraordinary outcomes in life, relationships, and teams. Cultivating remarkable environments has become one of the greatest passions of her life. The findings are revealed in the 45 complimentary sessions that are freely available for a cause.

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