Cautionary Tales

Chasing esteem while neglecting character develop. Rarely does this end well. Do you want names or do you understand Bankman-Fried, Epstein, Weinstein, Hitler, and this list has no end.

A committed relationship that feels more like having a roommate, settling, or chaos; rather than cherished partnering. It’s estimated that about 8 out of 10, perhaps closer to 9 find themselves here. There are reasons a plenty. The quality of this relationship impacts wellbeing more than any other factor. Harvard studied happiness factors for over 75 years, the longest study of its kind, and found relationship quality reigns supreme. A fulfillment factor, that’s separate and more important than achievement ever will be.

Sunday dread: Have a case of the day job that hopefully pays your bills while simultaneously sucking the life right out of you? Some 81% experience this according to Gallup. For most, work is where the majority of waking hours are spent, and honestly can be such a drag.

Regret: Bronnie Ware discovered, the most common end of life regret is wishing to have lived truer to self. A life that missed authentic representation while that opportunity was available.

Dr. Gabor Mate, a highly esteemed addiction and trauma therapist, has defined trauma as being disconnected from self.

The Bible declares ABOVE ALL ELSE GUARD YOUR HEART, Proverbs 4:23.

Only once will you find that degree of priority (above ALL else) placed on a biblical command. Here you find the most essential starting point to build an extraordinary life. Truth be told most neglect this self care. The super spiritual even say it’s unhealthy to be so self focused because it’s all about Jesus, or it’s narcissism. Yet the truth is this practice is the most potent biblical command. The cost of neglect is extraordinary as this is the starting point for advancement in every other realm. The entryway to experiencing fulfillment.

Loneliness: Henry David Thoreau called this condition, the life of quiet desperation. This reality can happen just as easily in a marriage or outside of a marriage as everywhere you go, there you are. The yearnings are stuffed down, and the image masked from what’s real.

Stressed and depressed: A massive crisis of our day, impacting young and old.

Going to Hell in a handbasket: Unreconciled sins leads to a consequential death as the wages of sin is death. Romans 6:23.

Everyone gets that death is part of life, BUT death has no sting for those that belong to the only one (Jesus), who conquered both sin and death on your behalf. Now is as good of a time as any to get right with the Lord if you haven’t. No one, not one, is promised tomorrow after all. And you won’t qualify for your eternal inheritance without Jesus. Your eternal destination IS the MOST IMPORTANT DECISION YOU WILL EVER MAKE. That is a promise, you won’t even have to take to the consequential grave with you. ROMANS 10:13

If you need help recognizing the filth of your sin, I can definitely help as all fall tremendously short of His glory. But start here especially with the Cross References. Our righteousness is as filthy rags before the Holy One. Isaiah 64:6

If you truly want to be sincere growing in your spiritual intelligence, pray that the truth finds you and you recognize it. And get ready to be amazed by what unfolds! Ignorance in this case is definitely not bliss. You will miss what you created for, eternal bliss.

DISease: Sickness can come, and sometimes sickness can go but the word disease literally means: opposition to ease.

Did you know that although many trials come, ease is our intended state? If not, now might be the perfect time to learn of the power that comes from living aligned with biblical truths. Truth is objective, after all. Your truth may be subjective, but the truth isn’t. Situation ethics can be a very slippery slope, abundant in it’s chaos. There are over 150 biases, that come from all the noise, opinions, and beliefs that aren’t rooted in truth. Just as abundant in the church, as those outside of it. To believe a lie is living trapped by the power of deception, because you don’t even know that you are. Deception is a very mean monster that will eat your life for lunch if you don’t stop it’s madness. The truth will set you free, because it’s all that truly can. That begins with spiritual intelligence.

His yoke is easy, his burden is light. Matthew 11:30.

Jesus speaks of His yoke as the law, being easy as it is summarized in one command; love. Love is the most powerful unifying force, and is often misunderstood. What most call love, isn’t actually love. Jesus was betrayed with a kiss, after all. That appeared to be a loving act, but it was a deceptive lie. A false appearance.

The greatest demonstration of love of all time, was Jesus being brutally tortured to a shameful death on a Cross (as an innocent man) to redeem the very people who mocked, tortured, and hated Him from having to experience the consequences they deserve. Now that’s love!

Jesus also removes the burdens off those who ask Him to, because His Father is able to better than anyone or anything else can, and He is good. The sacrifice Jesus made provided access to be adopted into a royal lineage with God Himself, as Abba Father.

As one who lives by these easy and light biblical practices, and has been blessed with many supernatural healings, I can attest where wo/man’s ways (science) fall short God surely doesn’t!

The worm, canker, and grief are mine alone. Lord Byron realizing his self serving pursuits left him miserable. A life squandered.

Vanity Fair: Chasing what isn’t worth having.

Chasing what doesn’t exist. Idealism and or perfection are horrid traps that will leaving you running after a unicorn, all your days. How utterly exhausting to chase after what doesn’t exist earthside. You will have to reach the eternal Eden for that, and you won’t without Jesus.

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