PRE-ORDER: From Good To Better to BEST


From Good to Better to BEST

Introducing the 9 Levels of Intelligence

Limited offer: You will also get a complimentary session that is tailored to your needs to improve your results, rapidly. Areas of specialty include better outcomes personally, relationally, and or professionally. Details included immediately with purchase.

Minimum value: $199-priceless depending.

This all depends on what getting the outcomes you want in life, teams and or relationships is worth to you!


From Good to Better to BEST

Introducing the 9 Levels of Intelligence

Limited offer: You will also get a complimentary session that is tailored to your needs to improve your results, rapidly. Areas of specialty include better outcomes personally, relationally, and or professionally. Details included immediately with purchase.

Minimum value: $199-priceless depending.

This all depends on what getting the outcomes you want in life, teams and or relationships is worth to you!

From Good to Better to BEST

Introducing the 9 Levels of Intelligence

Limited offer: You will also get a complimentary session that is tailored to your needs to improve your results, rapidly. Areas of specialty include better outcomes personally, relationally, and or professionally. Details included immediately with purchase.

Minimum value: $199-priceless depending.

This all depends on what getting the outcomes you want in life, teams and or relationships is worth to you!


Has someone ever commented on how impressed they were by someone, only to meet the person, and wonder what they are seeing? Their appeal was lost on you. We all have experienced this at times.

This can easily happen because there are 9 different types of intelligence. The more each level is understood, you can more clearly specify your admiration about a person. Often some of the greatest treasures, and opportunities open up from understanding individual genius levels. That alone can make this understanding invaluable. You may find that you increase your connection equity by connecting more intelligently. At a time filled with such divisiveness, why not light up the darkness by recognizing the unique brilliance that can be found inside of those around you. You can see and connect people with better clarity. You don’t even have to agree or admire them to do so.


Although this notion of exploring your personal genius levels may make you uncomfortable, the more rapidly you can identify yours, the more valuable your contributions become. Your impact can become effortless. There’s a powerful conviction that comes when you know how to use your unique gifts to help others in truly meaningful ways. People tend to take their treasures for granted, because they are second nature to them. As common as the color of their eyes. As a result they unknowingly underestimate the value their contribution is designed to make. The gift gets taken for granted by not recognizing that it’s designed to be applied more strategically to a world that desperately needs that goodness released.

Some even bury their gift dead, because it makes them uncomfortable by how misunderstood these areas can be to them and others. They have yet to realize the beauty their unique treasure provides, so they stuff it away. Never to see the light of day. Even worse, sometimes they even end up feeling bad about the very things within them that are designed to be their greatest contributions throughout their lifetime. An all to common, and truly tragic tale.

With cultivation, you will find that your confidence increases, others value you more, and you make the world a brighter place. There is no better feeling than being able to contribute significant value to someone else. Studies have shown that a person gets the same neurological spike from giving to others that an addict does from a drug. THAT IS POTENT IMPACT! Don’t you dare miss out on leaving your much needed gifts to this world. Others desperately need what you have hidden within. Don’t bury your treasures. The grave needith them not. :)


Who do you know well enough behind societal masks, that is truly winning at life on all levels?

  • Relationally,

  • Aligned with Purpose,

  • Financially Abundance,

  • Health,

  • Wellbeing,

  • Balanced without any of the 100 addictions,

  • Family is Thriving,

  • Spiritually Alive, AND

  • Has a Respectable Reputation.

I don’t mean just committed, and surviving in these realms. I mean living enviable in all of them. Believe it or not, about 4 out of every 100 people qualify as in close proximity to this level. Perhaps, you are even one of these extraordinary people. The best way to find out involves asking the people closest to you, who they know that qualifies, and see if they mention YOUR name without hesitating. Although these folks do exist, they most certainly aren’t common.

Knowing that some arrive at such heights reveals that anyone can, if they determine to. The examples shared in the book will not only introduce you to some of their stories, but to also provide the practical application to achieve higher levels, with ease, if you desire to. Made available for a cause, to reimagine child welfare for our most vulnerable.


A foundational aspect to becoming a highly valued individual comes down to how well you can communicate in clear and concise ways that others can relate to. In fact some of the most successful people on this planet, have succeeded primarily because they learned to be skilled with their communication.

A thriving marriage won’t exist without mastering this skill. Communicating well is a true art form. It’s 1 of the 7 essential needs for a high quality relationship. And quite frankly, many do struggle to do this well. So this begs this question, how well do you consistently communicate where you feel heard, seen and VALUED, and the other person feels the same? Rate your score on a scale of 1-10. You can’t assume these scores without asking because perception isn’t reality in many cases. If the score falls below 7 , you may want to correct this. Pre-order the book, and schedule your custom tailored session now to get a start Available only for a limited time.


To work hand or to working smart, which do you prefer?

In this context, working hard means doing more to try and get better results that may not improve much with more effort. Working smart here means you are focused and skilled on mastering the 20% that will have the greatest impact. The old 80/20 rule applies. The knowing of what’s needed to be ultra efficient, and the skills to be impactful are abundant. The results reflect this, and wellbeing is evident. The unbiased truth meter.

The result almost always provide the correct insights into what’s working well. Rarely will the amount of effort change outcomes drastically, without addressing what’s causing the breakdowns. Data rarely lies, except for when manipulated. To eliminate noise and biases you must answer this question: Are you getting the results you desire? As hard as it may be to answer this honestly, if the answer is no, do you honestly think doing more of the same is going to change things for the better? It’s time to try something new, if you want to experience something better. Then you may officially be able to say adios, cautionary tale! Don’t you come around here no more.


Environments determine growth levels. Nurturing healthy environments promotes good growth. Stagnant environments lack such growth. Another way of looking at this is, are you, your family, or your team going through the motions, or are you stewarding your opportunities brilliantly with the 9 of the levels of intelligence?

The book will share examples of good, better, and best environments inside life’s most meaningful disciplines. The examples will be told in story format so the reading will be enjoyable. For those that want to BETTER outcomes, practical application will also be provided. Living regret free is the BEST way to be.

Pre-order now to:

  1. Become a safety net for our most vulnerable, who through no fault of their own were born into tremendous instability.

  2. Schedule a a customized session to elevate your outcomes in life, love, or corporate performance. Explore the 45 topics . Limited availability on this offer so secure your session now.

  3. Get your copy of Good to Better to BEST as soon as it’s released.